Kiddie's tour of Europe prelube and Brussels 2014 Interhash
Submitted on Sunday 10th August 2014
by Cyberseptic
Nash Hash 2013 at Hook Court School near Beaminster, Dorset
Submitted on Saturday 31st August 2013
by Cyberseptic
LVH3 at CH3's 200th r*n
Submitted on Tuesday 3rd January 2012
by Cyberseptic
No More Cum Visits Mum in KL
Submitted on Monday 4th May 2009
by No More Cum
Solstice Hash On Tour 2008
Submitted on Thursday 1st January 2009
by No More Cum
Nash Hash 2007
Submitted on Saturday 1st September 2007
by Master Baker
Cockermouth H3 R*n #145
Submitted on Monday 13th August 2007
by Master Baker
The Septics at InterHash 2006
Submitted on Friday 17th November 2006
by Cyberseptic
No More Cum at InterHash 2006
Submitted on Wednesday 8th November 2006
by No More Cum
Finally United, Checked, Knackered In Tyneside
Submitted on Wednesday 26th October 2005
by Antiseptic
Scarborough Steamy Weekend
Submitted on Wednesday 26th October 2005
by Antiseptic
Settle & District (The SAD Hash) R*n #7
Submitted on Wednesday 12th October 2005
by Minor Twat
Newcastle '600'
Submitted on Sunday 18th September 2005
by Upperskirt
Nash Hash 2005
Submitted on Monday 5th September 2005
by Forever Blowing
Eurohash 2005
Submitted on Friday 19th August 2005
by No More Cum
Interhash 2004
Submitted on Tuesday 16th August 2005
by Forever Blowing
Nash Hash 2003
Submitted on Wednesday 27th August 2003
by Forever Blowing
LVH3 Hounds: Cyberseptic, Antiseptic, Forever Blowing, Bubbles, Tooth Fairy, Fugitive Nipple, Gossamer (non runner) and No More Cum (attending with Pataya Dirt Road Hash).
Held on 22nd to 26th July 2004 in Cardiff.
Arrived Cardiff on the Friday afternoon having missed the Red Dress Run on the Thursday. Checked in at the YH, where all except No More Cum were booked in. Because Hash Drunk and Pick Me Up couldn't come (they had to go house buying in Scotland instead) we had plenty of space in the two rooms we'd been given. Walked the 1½ miles to City Hall to register and accepted bribe (T-shirt) to vote for Bali to host next Interhash in 2006. Collected wrist bands and goody bags, which included T-shirt, wrist purse, blouson jacket, a load of books and leaflets all in a rucksack. Cyberseptic had forgotten his shoes so had to buy some more at the bazaar.
Onon to Millennium Stadium for beers and food, half a mile away, and we couldn't find the way in, so walked another half mile around the outside first (haven't had our down-downs for this yet). Kind of surreal in the stadium, roof closed and turf removed leaving concrete pitch, a couple of thousand people on the pitch but no spectators. Awesome. Hung around and got beers, then cringed when a "band" started doing cheesy oompah songs with an accordion, drums and pre-recorded keyboards and bass! Overseas visitors seemed to think it was some great British tradition and lapped it up. We went to get dinner but couldn't escape the racket, in fact it was even worse in the food-serving half of the stadium because the acoustics jumbled the sound up so much you could hardly recognise the songs anyway. Food was good and plentiful. Mercifully the second band to come on played average rock stuff, an infinite improvement. We all wandered around the Hash Bazaar at some point during the evening and most people got something to remember the weekend by. A good walk back to the hostel in the calm, balmy night. Bubbles arrived back sometime during the night after a session with No More Cum in one of the watering holes which was devoted to hashers after midnight.
Breakfast Saturday and walked to City Hall again where 93 buses lined up to transport us to a choice of 23 runs, some as far away as Swansea and the Brecon Beacons. No 1 and 2, the ball breakers were already pre-booked by ticket, oh what a shame we were all wanting to do them - NOT!. We all piled onto one of the four buses to run no 5, hared by Isle of Wight Hash, starting from Blaenavon leisure centre, where staff had been primed to direct us to toilets. We soon found the problem with running in a group of 200 is all having to go at the pace of the slowest on narrow woodland paths, but the trail soon open up to good views and great hashing. After a phenomenal 1½ hour beer stop (the Goose and Cuckoo, with blues band in the garden) and 6.8 miles which felt more like 8, we consumed a sandwich and fruit from the boot of the bus and formed a semicircle on clay and rock waste ground at the edge of a forest. RA was P-rick, plus guest RAs and GMs. Can't remember most of the downdowns, but a collection of GMs had to do the egg throwing game and somehow Cup Cake had heard about Cyberseptic's new shoes! Can't remember the bus trip back either.
Showered and changed, a welcome taxi to the Stadium for dinner and more beers. Bands were better tonight, but we had to endure some amateurish presentations for the host bids for 2006 from Bali, Chang Mai, Perth and Edmonton (the one from Chang Mai was by far the best), followed by a horrific collection of cabaret acts. Never mind, it was all in good taste (yea right!). A few beers and bands later we somehow found our way back to the hostel and bed.
Sunday's run was equally spectacular, shorter bus ride this time to start at Castle Coch, and more problems with single-file paths through the woods, compounded by the Hares causing confusion over the checking calls, all good fun!. The views later were even more spectacular and somehow CS, TF, FB and FN managed to miss part of the run, taking a short cut which avoided a 50 yard scramble through a culvert with knee-high water at the end of it. Antiseptic and Bubbles were real hashers and did it all! Then we all got onto the Rambos option which toiled up a steep fell to a last view point and down to the oninn, where the landlady had already laid out a car park buffet. Another uncomfortable rocky wasteground for the circle, but the RA was terrific and had a different song for each downdown. Heard that Chang Mai had won the bids for 2006. So start saving!
Showered and changed, piled into a taxi to the station to see Nipple off home (conscientious about going to work Monday), then onon to the Stadium for dinner and more beers. Bands were better tonight, though we had to endure even more cabaret acts BUT the high light of the evening was the Cardiff Arms Park Male Voice Choir who were fantastic and must have had 4000 people singing with them. The low light was 'Soprano' singing the last night of the proms - out of tune, not in time and in totally bad taste in the heart of Wales, but very courageously sticking it out until the end! A few beers and bands later we somehow found our way back to the hostel and bed.
A wonderful weekend and an amazing experience to see hashers from all over the world and know that it didn't matter where you were, you could speak to anyone. In fact 'wish you were here' was what we would have written on postcards if we had sent any!