Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 233 location

R*n 233 started from Plain Quarry car park, Burton-in-Kendal and the On Inn was Longlands Hotel, Tewitfield.

Who ran 233? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Lurch - Hare28131159
Thunder Dick - Hare53338
Bedside Manner43236
Bloody ASBO022
Feels on Wheels54550
Forever Blowing28156184
Full Member11112
Great Tit011
Loose Elastic156
Master Baker24042
Tarty Totty145
The Godfather066

Click the header columns to change the sort order


On Inn - Longlands Hotel, Tewitfield

Image of Longlands Hotel, Tewitfield

This was our 4th visit. We also visited on...

With nooks and crannies, old beams and a bit of an uneven floor, our bar is typical of an old-fashioned country pub where villagers meet to relax and welcome visitors to this lovely corner of the English countryside. Our wide range of hand pulled ales will capture the imagination of anyone who loves real ale, for others we have a selection of lagers, bitters, and unusual spirits.


Sunday 12th August 2007 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 233 »


Set across the limestone pavement and fells above Burton, this was never going to be an easy run.

It wasn't.

Lurch & ThunderDick arrived back from setting the run seperately and begun comparing their routes.  They used vague terms but it was clear that there may be parts which didn't join up.

ThunderDick disclosed that upon checking his compass in the fog, he discovered he was going in the opposite direction.

In the starting circle, we were introduced to a virgin, GodFather's husband Steve, who protested he couldn't run so was really just there to walk.

We set off apace up the hill from the car park and onto the limestone.  There was shiggy and brambles galore.  Unfortunately, there was not such an abundance of flour.

On coming to the beer stop, Tracey had to pull out as she'd run without any socks on and had ripped her ankles to shreds.  At one point she'd put moss down the heels to try and relieve her problem.

Soon after returning to the trail, the liveharing began on the Rambo split.  Confusion was rife as hounds spread themselves all over Farleton Fell.

When the road was found, no-one knew who was infront of or behind them; some checks were kicked out, others weren't.

We came to the trig point from where we were instructed to follow the outward trail back to the cap park.  This was harder than it sounds.  At every check, each path looked the same, went downhill and no-one knew in which general direction we should be heading - well bad.

Once we arrived back at the cars, there was a count-up, only to find we'd lost Highway.  The circle was held in the hope that he would return before the end of ceremony and receive a DD.  He didn't, so a search party was sent out in many directions.  I remain unaware if he was found, hey ho.

DDs were awarded to

  • LooseElastic & TartyTotty for getting married in the near future.
  • BedsideManner, MasterBaker, and Pudsley for HashCrashing.
  • Bubbles for making feeble excuses for taking the wimps route (we think its 'cos he's had a special birthday).
  • Lurch & Morticia for not wearing a stitch (of haberdash).
  • Steve for being a virgin (who did a very good run for someone who was intent that he couldn't).

Highway, are you out there????

Write up by an unknown scribe

18th August 2007 at 5:53am