Kettlewell - AGPU Weekend
TightFit - YH3
Boghopper - SH4
GiveErOne - SH4
Not a bad day weather wise for a Saturday in late October, made all the better for a sea of smiley faces when we pitched up at the YHA. No one seemed too worse for wear considering a night on the beer and a Friday night r*n, however we would see whether this changed during the next few hours?
The circle was called and it was ON ON - out onto the dangerous streets of Kettlewell. Several checks in the first few minutes took us left and left again.... and UP we went. This wasn't just a hill, this was an M&S hill! It showed us no mercy and was like climbing Everest (never having climbed Everest, I am of course guessing but it was bl**dy steep)! About two thirds up, we were all grateful for a hash halt which was conveniently situated with a bench for us oldies to rest a wee while we all came together again. ON ON UP again and just as we neared the top, the Hares sent us on a downward journey via a flippin fish-hook, so we saw the last third of the hill twice! Oh What Joy!
A check took us left off the side of Everest and we OOH AARHd admiring the fab views as we tumbled down into Starbotton (great name), where our beer stop was held at a lovely old traditional pub with open log fire and a very tempting menu!
Unfortunately there was no time to sample the food as we still had to get back to our 5 star accommodation to sample the whirl pool bath and spa treatments (Yes, I was under the influence at this stage following my ginger beer at the pub). We set off along the river bank which was the only flat bit we did on the whole r*n, back through the Boy/Girl kissing gate (not sure who owned up to kissing Hash Dog Harry as their boy)!
The circle was held in the YHA "garden" with Down Downs given to various offenders, including all those carnivores who were missing out on my Veggie curry that evening (Probably very wise)! The AGPU horse trading took place and some poor unfortunates found themselves dobbed in for official roles and responsibilities.
Later that evening after some good grub and a few board games in the lounge, some of us ventured out to the Bluebell Inn to sample the Halloween disco. Plenty of good costumes from the LVH3ers but others just went as they were, which was even more scary! A fab end to a fab day.
On On
Twisted (now ex RA - Hurray!).
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Write up by Twisted
2nd November 2007 at 5:53am