R*n 462 started from the On Inn - Claylands Caravan Park, Garstang.
Hash Handle | Hare | Hound | Total |
Upperskirt - Hare | 25 | 315 | 340 |
Virgin: Janet - Hare | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Antiseptic | 44 | 227 | 271 |
Baldbrick | 25 | 262 | 287 |
Bitter | 34 | 154 | 188 |
Bubbles | 55 | 245 | 300 |
Cyberseptic | 54 | 212 | 266 |
Forever Blowing | 43 | 241 | 284 |
Major Twit | 21 | 149 | 170 |
Minor Twat | 19 | 134 | 153 |
Sir Tom Tom | 23 | 133 | 156 |
Stinkerbell | 3 | 14 | 17 |
Twisted | 33 | 165 | 198 |
Virgin: Jen2 (Visitor) | 0 | 2 | 2 |
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This was our 1st visit. We also visited on...
A beautiful day heralded our arrival at Claylands Caravan Park where I was greeted by friendly staff who pointed me to a parking space. The sole hare (not to be confused with the beneficiary of a will) gave her briefing "open checks, two fish hooks and no beer stop" and we were off.
Over the A6 and down a green lane, a few checks later brought us on to the canal where we were joined by the latecomers Stinkerbell and friend. After a run along this lovely stretch of canal we came to a four way check option where one of the dogs went awol. Once back together we fumbled a bit over a check that took us over an open field but Sir Tom Tom found the trail by the deft use of logic.
The trail took us over a number of fields then back to the canal where we picked up the out trail to take us on to the on inn.
Unanimous praise was offered for the weather, the length of trail and the lovely countryside we went through - all laid by a hare that can't find her way out of a paper bag! Incredible!
We postponed the circle to the following day's r*n as we were at a 'family friendly' location.
Of course I didn't see much of what happened on the r*n being up front as usual.
Write up by Minor Twat
26th May 2013 at 7:56am