R*n 587 started from the On Inn - Coledale Inn, Braithwaite.
Hash Handle | Hare | Hound | Total |
Antiseptic - Hare | 56 | 298 | 354 |
Cyberseptic - Hare | 71 | 284 | 355 |
A N Other (Visitor) | 0 | 5 | 5 |
Babe Magnet (Visitor) | 0 | 5 | 5 |
Baldbrick | 34 | 364 | 398 |
Bone Idle | 0 | 9 | 9 |
Bubbles | 69 | 301 | 370 |
Cockatool (Visitor) | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Dormouse | 17 | 157 | 174 |
Forever Blowing | 60 | 300 | 360 |
Highway | 23 | 246 | 269 |
Lurch | 56 | 292 | 348 |
Morticia | 55 | 295 | 350 |
Off His Trolley | 25 | 227 | 252 |
Pimp (Visitor) | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Sir Arsealot | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Speedbump | 17 | 143 | 160 |
Tightarse | 0 | 7 | 7 |
Toy Boy (Visitor) | 0 | 16 | 16 |
Upperskirt | 32 | 418 | 450 |
White Noise | 21 | 205 | 226 |
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This was our 2nd visit. We also visited on...
What a hashy day!
According to White Noise the day started at 5.15 when she heard the first car door, it wasn’t raining then!
The rest of us emerged from our sleeping bags (or beeping slags as Bubbles calls them) quite a bit later on; Pimp and BoneIdle were being real r*nners and had already set off to the fleshpot of Keswick to Parkrun (one PB for BoneIdle – living up to her name then). Upperskirt and Baldbrick left their luxury pod to come and slum it with the rest of us for breakfast – Cockatool necking coffee from a beer bottle as he had not brought a cup – Speedbump and Dormouse had 2 cups – but had forgotten their stove. At least everyone who was camping this year had remembered their tent!
As ever there were comments made about various magnificent erections – the Septics' new one that apparently was not a toilet, and OffHisTrolley’s old one – that hadn’t leaked – yet!. We were to become more intimately acquainted with Sir Arselalot’s palace on wheels later in the day!
Septics had not left to hare – mainly because the weather prediction was 50mm of rain at about 11am – no point in wasting flour then.
So around 10.30 we set of to walk to the start of the r*n. No surprise to learn that Upperskirt had already got lost within 10 yards of the toilet! At least she had used the right toilet – unlike BabeMagnet who had dived into the first one in desperation, only later to discover that it was the ladies!
At the Coledale Inn we were joined by Highway and informed by Anti and Cyber that the r*n would be a hybrid of laid trail and live haring so we must obey any instructions, hash halts and regroups. But I thought we were also warned never to believe the hares? Lurch and Tightarse led the way
So we were off – not knowing what to expect, and not really knowing if the hares knew what to expect either! Straight up onto the fell there were checks and fishhooks but with hares seeming to pop up just when we needed them. A Rambo detour saved us from what was apparently a steep wimps' downhill short cut. After watching some ‘normal‘ people canyoning or gully scrambling– we discovered another fish hook – only to learn that it had been secretly laid by BabeMagnet – he had found some flour carelessly left by the hares and then hid behind a rock to watch us all falling for it! A well earned fresh mountain stream refreshment stop was taken and then the run off the fell (after a typically Cyber r*n out and back) and up, down and up again to the Swinside Inn – or Refuge Bar. As we sat in the beer garden because we were all too sweaty to steam in the bar, the rain finally tried to scare us – but with some ingenuity and a collection of parasols we managed to make a cover, some hashers donned waterproofs while others decided their skin was more efficient and stripped off instead.
A sneaky check back took us along the valley and to the obligatory Summer weekend skinny dip for some and a toilet break for others (and not just Morticia!) – all caught on film by an overhead drone! The final leg back to the On Inn was too much for the weather which finally decided to dump its rain just as we were arriving back. A strange collection of shoes and underpants were left outside the pub while we went in for excellent sandwiches and chips.
With orders to meet back at the campsite for circle at 5pm we did our own thing – drink, sleep, shop, shower and then collected under a protective oak tree for the circle. Crimes were punished in the usual manner and then time for food!
But the weather definitely had other plans. Sir Arselalot’s awning was not quite big enough for us all – but suffice it to say that everyone was fed, watered – literally and victually. There were stories, tales and jokes for many hours until we decided that enough was enough and the ‘beeping slags’ were definitely calling – on on to another day!
Thanks hares – who managed to set the trail they had original planned all those months ago – and we all enjoyed it!
Write up by Forever Blowing
12th July 2016 at 9:28am