Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 639 location

R*n 639 started from , and the On Inn was Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands.

Who ran 639? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Off His Trolley - Hare28257285
White Noise - Hare24233257
Darth Vader26062
Forever Blowing67330397
Major Twit30201231
Minor Twat21191212
Raw Liver (Visitor)022
Sir Tom Tom44238282

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On Inn - Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands

Image of Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands

This was our 3rd visit. We also visited on...


Sunday 8th October 2017 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 639 »


What service ! I arrive 25 minutes late and there is a welcoming committee of hares (did you know the collective name for a group of hares is a drove, a flick or a husk?!) to make sure that unlike Speedbump, Dormouse, Madge and Syd, I did actually know where the start was!

I set off, hoping that all the checks have been kicked out clearly - not a good start, when the first one hadn't, but luck was on my side and I chose the correct route first time.  What seemed like forever later, I was still heading south along the canal, bu all the time hearing tantalising On On shouts from my left - but sounding worryingly like they were coming from up Farleton Knott.

Along a lane - and giving way to various horse boxes - they were bigger than me, I followed a check up a long steep hill, (please not Farleton Knott).  Ahead of me I see a pair of deer enjoying a feast on the ground - they scarpered at the sound of my flying feet, and I realised they were eating flour - was this the remains of an 'R'?  A split? where was the 'W'?  i decided that it was a fish hook - perhaps Baldbrick had instructed them to destroy all evidence.  I hadn't expected anyone to come back as far as me so I set off happily again.  A while later - 4.5km in total from the start, I have never been so pleased to see the back of Highway weaving his way up a field.  With a cheery wave i overtook him, leaving him in the capable hands of a solitary hare and followed the sound of slurping and crunching - i had reached the beerstop before they had left.

A real Rambo and Wimp split later took the rambos up yet another hill, a downhill followed , then a very shiggified check which we sorted, but managed to meet the wimps coming towards us.  Fortunately a Very Friendly Farmer (in our recent experience, an endangered species) directed us the way back toward the start and a circle led with great gusto by our RA - downs downs for the Flick of Hares (Herr Flick?!), non participatory awards for the injured couple of Raw Liver and Rabbi - good to see you again! Of course the lost hounds form the start and Bubbles for ignoring the fish hook - Did he not want to come and find me?  There was also something about shoes being sucked off in a bog - but this is a family hash.  Environmental award went to Darth Vader for taking care of hedges and hounds. 

We all enjoyed excellent food at the Crooklands Hotel - an excellent trail all round.  Cheers hares!  Some brave and courageous hares also signed up to the Receding Hareline - get yourselves sorted - all contributions very gratefully received!

On On to the AGPU - wherever it may be!

Forever Blowing

Write up by Forever Blowing

9th October 2017 at 2:57pm