Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 716 location

R*n 716 started from the On Inn - Black Bull, High Bentham.

Who ran 716? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Sir Tom Tom - Hare54289343
Wears the Soap - Hare167
Fiddler on the Hoof106272
Hard Astern044
Hash Flash (Visitor)077
Ready About044

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Saturday 14th September 2019 at 4:00pm

Full MoonR*n 716 »

High Bentham - A Load Of Bull!

This was back to familiar territory with our second visit in 2 weeks to the Black Bull, Bentham - with good reason, as good value food and beers are to be found there.

Wears the Soap, a mere stone's throw from his home, was under the experienced tutelage of Sir Tom Tom for his inaugural hareing experience. He gained fine instruction in the art of plentiful flour and careful marshalling of hashers.

 In addition to clear instructions as to how we should cross the golf course and subsequent field, there were discrete appearances of hares eager to make sure we remained on track!

There was the luxury of a beer stop on a Full Mooner and further marshalling. Despite this extreme vigilance by our hares, Upperskirt passed chalk while chatting (surely not!) and the same was reported by Lurch to account for his going off course on the rambo loop, misleading Hash Flash in the process.

 Front runners Mike & Lynne K provided delicious home grown damsons but remained hash nameless after 4 runs.

A fine evening and a good run - thank you Wears the Soap, may there be many more!

Fiddler on the Hoof

Write up by Fiddler on the Hoof

29th September 2019 at 2:47pm