Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 717 location

R*n 717 started from the On Inn - Barbon Inn, Barbon.

Who ran 717? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Chapped Lips - Hare31215
Late Cummer - Hare31215
Hard Astern055
Large Package01111
Major Twit34221255
Minor Twat23215238
Off His Trolley33292325
Ready About055
Sir Tom Tom54290344
Wears the Soap178
White Noise29262291

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Sunday 22nd September 2019 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 717 »


With apologies to the composer of the original song…….

I’ve taken a likin’to Hashin’

I go every Hash run I can

For t’ see all the beauties of nature

Round Lunesdale and all that way on.


I sometimes get lost in mi travels,

When takin’ a little known track,

But wi ‘avin the marks on the pathway,

I’ve never yet failed to get back.


I felt a bit nervous on Sunday,

As further I lagged up the hill

And I ‘adn’t seen a soul for half ‘our or more

And I felt I could do wi’ a gill.


When just on the point of despairing

And starting bemoaning my fate

I came to a sign on the roadway

Which pointed me on through a gate.


As I came to the outskirts of Barbon

I started to sing with much cheer

Cos th’Inn was not that much further

And there I would get some good beer.


White Noise

Write up by White Noise

24th September 2019 at 5:23pm