Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 769 location

R*n 769 started from the On Inn - The Greyhound Inn, Grizebeck.

Who ran 769? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Large Package - Hare65258
Chapped Lips54045
Fiddler on the Hoof1292104
Forever Blowing79405484
Hard Astern34144
Hash Drunk18121139
Late Cummer54045
Major Twit40242282
Minor Twat26239265
Off His Trolley34318352
Pick Me Up18117135
Racey Miss22022
Ready About34144
Sir Tom Tom62320382
Wears the Soap72734
White Noise30285315

Click the header columns to change the sort order


On Inn - The Greyhound Inn, Grizebeck

This was our 1st visit to this On Inn.


Sunday 24th October 2021 at 11:00am

Hash WeekendR*n 769 »

Grizebeck - AGPU

In an attempt to ensure somebody keeps this show on the road, I asked someone who will be nameless whether scribes had been appointed for the last two r*ns of the weekend away. Upon being informed that they had not, I approached the outgoing GM who, being in bastard mode, stated it had been taken care of and that I was scribing this r*n. FFS, I'd only been there 2 minutes and I'd already been shafted. Seems that theme was to continue.

Those on the weekend seemed to have had a good time and had either overeaten, got p*ss*d or screwed up in some way. Sounds like a normal hash weekend.

So, to the r*n. Hare on in. Lengthy instructions about something or other and we were off. Well marked through to a split and a bit beyond then the flour ran out. A little help from OS Maps got us back on trail where we were joined by the rambos and soon rejoined the flour and chalk.

A timely beer stop appeared followed by a rambos, wimps and uber wimps split. I took the uber split simply to keep my beloved brother company.

Once everyone was back, down downs were dispensed and we then retired to the on inn where we had a lock in. The pub had given us sole use for our AGPU. Obviously the importance of hash business has reached the western Lake District.

Our outgoing GM set the tone with a warm review of the year, Hash Cash confirmed we were solvent and then a nomination for our next GM followed. Late Cummer was duly appointed. He then set about putting together his crack team for keeping LVH3 running like a well oiled machine. It seems those on the weekend had already put some work in on the "well oiled" front.

After being shafted again by a new GM in bastard mode, I ended up continuing as On Sec. Bubbles in his half dazed, tequila soaked brain cell state had forgotten he wanted to take the floor and had to be reminded about something he wanted to do that he expected me to know about. He eventually realised he had some hare brained scheme for a new hash T shirt that he started to bang on about that involves all the countries of the world people had hashed in since they joined LVH3.

And that my friends sums up everything you need to know about hashing. A bunch of incompetent fools trying hard to run a p*ss up in a brewery, drinking the contents of said brewery, killing most of their brain cells yet still managing to exist and thrive. Yes, 21 years of mislaid trails and general incompetence but we're still here.

On On to the next 21 years, to those who follow in our footsteps, to those who keep the tradition alive, to those who are no longer with us and to "G". On On.

Minor Twat

Write up by Minor Twat

24th October 2021 at 6:41pm

  1. Cyberseptic
    Cyberseptic Well said Twat.
    14th November 2021 at 5:51pm