Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Friday 7th February 2025
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R*n 813 location

R*n 813 started from the On Inn - Stork Inn, Conder Green.

Who ran 813? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Fiddler on the Hoof - Hare15110125
Sir Tom Tom - Hare67346413
Big Dibber055
Chapped Lips136275
First Class Stomp44953
Glassy Lady33134
Hard Astern66672
ICU Shagger099
Large Package108999
Late Cummer136275
Major Twit42255297
Minor Twat26252278
Motor Gnome022
Off His Trolley36338374
Ready About66874
Titty Touch01616
Wears the Soap104151
White Noise32306338

Click the header columns to change the sort order



Sunday 11th December 2022 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 813 »

Conder Green - The Stork 2.0!

A cold but beautiful (no, not me, the weather!) December morning found a great turn-out for this last hash before Christmas. Ice under my feet and a tiny willie, what more could I want? The hares had prepped well as STT droned on about "next farm" and at what proportion of the trail resided the beer stop. At least they said it was flat, (or was it? as the beer stop was forecast to have great views.) It's a mystery!

The coast path towards Glasson Dock was f***ing icy, but we survived long enough to be directed to the left turn, over the canal bridge and up the first hill of this flat trail. Deviating left off the road we ended up on the vast expanse of the Fylde, rectangular fields as far as the eye can see with enormous blue sky and nothing to trouble our tender minds (sorry, getting a bit lyrical there). Farms, flooded gates and pheasant noises later we crested a dyke and there before us opened out the most magnificent vista of the Lune estuary, resting glass-like and inviting. Wished I'd brought my towel for a dip. RA and I heard a mysterious whistling which Antiseptic later identified as the call of widgeon, the brown heads of which we had indeed spotted.

At this point Ready About and I failed to recall the R-W split we had been warned about. Pressing on along the sea dyke and back to the road we climbed the second hill on this flat trail and arrived at the beer stop ahead of the rambos, whereupon it was evident that we had missed the split and taken the W option accidentally. Ho hum.

After the magnificent beer stop with views of the Lakes mountains Antiseptic, Ready About and I decided to take the Rambo option to finish, which took us through Glasson Dock and along the canal (under the bridge we had topped earlier, which made our trail a figure of eight) and departing from the canal at The Mill, headed back to The Stork along the road.

After a most pleasant circle (Beermaster had again forgotten to warm the beer up, even after Thursday night's debacle) in which many were derided for not wearing their Christmas gear, the pub did us proud with a warm welcome and crackers on the table.


Write up by Cyberseptic

17th December 2022 at 10:08am