Lune Valley Hash House Harriers

Wednesday 15th January 2025
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R*n 162 location

R*n 162 started from the On Inn - Black Bull, Brookhouse.

Who ran 162? - data up to & including this r*n

Hash HandleHareHoundTotal
Antiseptic - Hare175976
Forever Blowing - Hare21112133
Cousin It46468
Cum Yak Yak34750
Feels on Wheels01414
Fugitive Nipple93948
Fur Coat22527
Major Twit33841
Minor Twat33235
No More Cum156984
Tooth Fairy62329

Click the header columns to change the sort order



Sunday 13th November 2005 at 11:00am

DaytimeR*n 162 »


A clear, crisp and fine morning greeted those gathering at the Black Bull in Brookhouse. Some were worse for wear in the head and feet departments due  to drinking and dancing at Off His Trolley's 60th Birthday Bash at the Institute the night before. I suppose the previous nights revelry could be viewed as just a warm up for what was about to follow.

Not only were LVH3 gathering at the Black Bull but also a band of raucous ramblers who were about to embark on a celebratory ramble in honour of Off His Trolley.

And which merry band did Off His Trolley choose to accompany? The ramblers!! Someone remember to give him a down down sometime!

Anyway, off we went through the streets of Brookhouse, soon to be presented with our first split. Back together we arrived at Forge Mill to find the trail went up over the fields towards Littledale Road. Upon a little hillock, we gathered and waved at the passing helicopter that was frantically searching for Cum Yak Yak and Cousin It who had not been seen since.....? We took a photo opportunity with Nipple devising some poses that would have graced page 3 of a well known tabloid.

The trail then led us back toward the Black Bull. Could this be the end already?

No. The trail went PAST the front door of the pub and led to the beer stop in the Septics driveway.

Off again, we ran down Rotton Row shouting 'On On' as loud as we could to rouse the sleeping Slackbladder. Across the fields behind Baldbricks house, we ended up at the 683 where a number of us lost the trail and joined those hopelessly seeking the trail on the cycle track near the bottom of Holme Lane.

Afetr much deliberation it was decided the trail could only go one way so off we went following Artle Beck back onto Brookhouse Road and on to the Black Bull.

Can't remember what the down downs were for although I think I got one for 'Hash Crash'.

I do remember we joined the 'Off His Trolley' official birthday celebrations in the Black Bull which were enjoyed by all.

Chav - Cantabrigensis H3
Whinger (ex Kilimanjaro H3) - Cantabrigensis H3

Minor Twat

Write up by Minor Twat

19th November 2005 at 5:53am